
Monday, December 22, 2008

Information Marketing is all about lifestyle

Information marketing refers to a technique of promoting information about your company, and related information about your industry, rather than going for a hard sell.

Ideally most consumers want to know a little bit about you before they buy a product or service. They want to view you not only as a credible source but also as an authority on a given subject. Information marketing has proven very successful because it is a great way to break the ice and to promote online sales.

The philosophy of information marketing as a lifestyle teaches that there are no limits to where or how an information marketing campaign can be started. Online websites may be a good avenue to explore, but that should not be the end of your information marketing campaign. Magazines accept articles, which can be tied to a product or service. There are also physical products that can be considered like brochures, fliers, direct mail and business cards.

The idea is that you create a stand-alone piece that can offer helpful information alongside your sales pitch. This will go a long way in cementing current relationships and attracting new prospects. Some entrepreneurs have found success by creating checklists, how-to articles, Q&A articles, statistic data, measuring tools, calendars, signs on their car, or even organizing in-person events that are based on a commercial theme.

The most successful salespeople are the ones that don’t plan their day around just one individual sale. Sales are second nature to them—they bring their business everywhere they go with them. They live and breathe their business and are willing to talk to anyone about what they know. The fact that they have a business that ties into their pitch is just the perfect way to complete a conversation.

Therefore, try to think more along the lines of how you can express your passion in life in terms of ordinary life. Challenge yourself to come up with one situation in which your business wouldn’t be appropriate to mention. The more you live the lifestyle of a successful entrepreneur the more challenging that task will be! You will start to learn that every conversation you have, to every comment you post on the Internet, to every mundane task that you go about performing on a regular routine, can be successfully tied into a great information marketing pitch.

Ever hear David Letterman say, “There is no off position on the genius switch?” That sounds like a mantra worth following if you have something to sell!


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